Programme Philosophy
The Ph.D. in Law degree program is designed to graduates for careers as legal scholars and teachers through a three-year program aimed at the production of a substantial body of academic research and writing. Unlike programs designed for students who wish to learn about law from the disciplinary perspectives of the social sciences or the humanities, the Ph.D. in Law program is directed at students who wish to pursue advanced studies in law from the perspective of law. This program offers young scholars an opportunity to contribute to the development of law as an academic field, and it provides an alternate pathway into law teaching. Students are provided with opportunity for specialization in any of the following areas; business law, criminal justice, International Law, Administrative Law and Constitutional Law.
You will begin work on your dissertation immediately. The curriculum begins with programs of research to help you determine your topic and incorporates credit-bearing dissertation research seminars with assistance blended into coursework. Expert faculty and advisors provide the right assistance at the right time when you need it. Each facet of your education builds on the others to take you seamlessly through your program and to your goal of a Ph.D. Hence, throughout the program, you will build a professional portfolio that demonstrates your doctoral competencies in legal practices
Programme Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the programme, graduates should be able to
- Develop methodological, analytical and professional skills in scholarly research
- Acquire a wide scope of theoretical understanding of Law
- Develop critical reasoning and analysis of legal evidence
- Conduct independent original research in Business Management Practices and processes
- Evaluate, Analyze and conduct relevant legal related research to gather evidence to solve real-life problems.
- Demonstrate professional and ethical leadership legal practices